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If you haven’t already, and if you still have time, go out and vote today. Spring elections are about local offices, school boards, city leaders and county leaders.

After the message this past Sunday I had a chance to talk to some folks about translations, and it reminded me of a point I wanted to make in the message and neglected to do so.

Remember this; every translation is an interpretation. Thus, when I pointed out how I thought a particular verse from Sunday’s sermon text could be translated, there was a degree of interpretation even in my assessment.

The ESV translation is perfectly legitimate, but I think it misses a nuance that seems to be captured better in the NIV, NASB and in Tyndale’s original translation. All are legitimate translations of the Greek grammar underlying the English text.

Having said that, the translator will have some interpretative first commitment that directs their effort. In my view, Paul is often concerned that there are people in the local church who are not really Christians. So, it makes sense that the verse I addressed leans in that direction given that such a translation is faithful to the grammar.

But not everyone agrees.

When you read your Bibles, it is a good practice to compare your favorite version to at least one other, preferably two; especially when you are trying to understand what the Bible is saying.

If you only read one version, you might never know there are often multiple ways to translate (and interpret) the underlying original language whether it is Greek in the NT or either Hebrew or Aramaic in the OT.

Reading for life with you!

Pastor Tim

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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service