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History of Rock Valley Chapel

Rock Valley Chapel (RVC) was formed in May 1990 and met at the Janesville campus of Rock County Christian School. The church moved to the Beloit campus of Rock County Christian School in 1991 and became affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA).

In 1992 the church called Rev. Greg James as the first pastor. In the following years, RVC built its present church holding its first services in February 2002.

Pastor Greg left Rock Valley Chapel in August of 2008 and after providing pulpit supply for the following three months, Dr. Tim Johnson was called to serve as the interim Senior Pastor. He was then called to serve as the full-time Senior Pastor and installed in October 2010.

By God’s grace, the church was able to pay off its mortgage in June 2012, ten years after moving into the building. A new vision was put in place in 2013 concentrating on proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples of Jesus the Messiah. Holding its Easter Service at Eaton Chapel on the campus of Beloit College in 2013, Rock Valley Chapel made clear its intention to look outward as it seeks to Go! Make Disciples! Baptize! Teach! and Observe! all that Jesus has taught us.

After the EFCA modified its Statement of Faith in both 2008 and 2019, RVC sensed they were no longer in harmony with the newer core principles of the EFCA. After three years of prayer, examination, discussions, interviews, etc., RVC voted to de-affiliate with the EFCA and apply for membership with the the very like-minded Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches (FEBC).

By God’s grace RVC was formally accepted as an affiliate member at the FEBC’s Annual Connect Conference in July 2022 and Pastor Tim Johnson was ordained with the FEBC at the same conference.

Get In Touch With Us!

Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service