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This is “Sunday Leftover” is a touch late, so a bit further removed from Sunday’s message than I’d prefer. Still, the feedback I received from many people merits a little reflection.

Many people were blessed by the message, if you missed it, you can access it at our website or the Rock Valley Chapel YouTube page. It was a message on the importance of work in light of America’s increasing dependence on the government.

While our dependence on the government subsidies may eventually lead to the decline and lead to loss of freedom, there is a deeper, biblical motivation for us to work. We are, in fact, created to work. Work is just as natural and important to a healthy, Godward life as food, water, sex, sleep, and bathroom breaks. Hmmm.

So, when we work, whether in our vocation of choice or that of necessity; or, when as children we contribute to chores at home; or as retired people we volunteer, work our gardens, or reduce our stored-up treasures so our children don’t have to after we die; no matter the work, it all is part of who we are as humans made in the image of our Creator.

Having said that, balance is embedded in our human construction. So, overwork that neglects the God-ordained and prescribed Sabbath, is unhealthy and, unbiblical. Rest is necessary. It too is part of our human makeup. To avoid a Sabbath falls prey to being too identified with our work instead of our God.

So, remember Colossians 3:23, but temper that with the need for a Sabbath. And, life is not a Sabbath, we are meant to work. So work for God, not for humans, and in so doing God will be glorified.

Finding Joy, Purpose and God’s Glory in our Work Together With You,

Pastor Tim

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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service