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Remembering Our Weakness (v. 6-8)

          Of the ‘admirable’ qualities which we try to imitate on a daily basis, weakness likely doesn’t crack the proverbial ‘Top 10’. Yet, it is a dire reminder which we need to keep in focus as we go about our day-to-day. It is a dangerous mentality to consider that we ‘have things figured out’ within remembering how vital our weakness in answering why Christ needed to die in the first place. Thinking we are anything beyond weak and sinful leads to a self-righteousness that moves us away from worshipping the cross and towards worshipping the person in the mirror. Recalling our weakness is not a bad thing, but rather it reinforces the ‘In Dependence’ we have in Jesus and his sacrifice.

Just Justification (v. 9)

          Trying to prove ourselves before God by any means beyond the justification which HAS BEEN completed in its totality FOR US by Jesus is not only futile but is a theological pitfall. The idea of self-justification or being ‘more justified’ reflects a belief which essentially says, “I need something more than Jesus’ sacrifice to justify myself,” or in other words that Jesus’ sacrifice was insufficient and incidentally calls to question his nature of being fully God.

We may not deliberately relay those ideas, but to try and ‘add to’ our justification in Christ is an admission that his sacrifice wasn’t enough. It is just Christ’s sacrifice alone which has justified us… nothing more, nothing less. 

Natural Joy (v. 10-11)

          As we see in Romans 5:11, Paul affirms to the believer that understanding our position as ‘In Dependence’ of Christ’s sacrifice grants salvation in place of judgement. Once we believe this truth in our heart, our response is to be one which reflects an active joy/boasting in God’s love and Christ’s salvific work. The rejoicing on our end should naturally flow forth from this truth and is to be actively lived out in our daily lives. The believer who fails to rejoice in this truth needs to examine why this isn’t the case. Are you getting your joy from your circumstance or from Christ’s sacrifice? In light of such adverse conditions, Paul reminds us in Romans 5:3-5 that we should be rejoicing amidst our suffering because of our blessed assurance ‘In Dependence’ of Christ.

Take heart! Remember! Believe! Rejoice!

In Christ,


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Phone: (608) 365-6385

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