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Fundamental Change

At the conclusion of his dialogue with the LORD, Habakkuk assumes a posture of humility after trying to inform God how to run things.

Habakkuk has at minimum been reminded of how infinitely wonderous and perfect God’s ways are, despite what Habakkuk is experiencing and will experience.

While verse 17 calls attention to devastating losses of material goods of significant value, Habakkuk proclaims yet (in spite of these threats of loss) he shall rejoice in the LORD who provides salvation to those who live by their faith in Him (2:4).

Like Habakkuk, it is easy for us to have our joy swayed by the winds of circumstance, yet like Habakkuk, we should (need to) root our joy in God and all that He has done, is doing, and will do for us. While our circumstances WILL change, our God does not!

 The War is Won

The war is won, yet the battle rages on. Habakkuk has come to see that God is in charge and when we let Him lead us in victory, we have a security that we will be delivered.

Just as David rejoices in 2 Samuel 22, Habakkuk acknowledges that God IS his strength.

The idea conveys that Habakkuk has completely relinquished his self-reliance and even self-righteousness from the beginning of his complaints and now receives his ability to endure only through and by the Lord.

It is only when Habakkuk arrives at this conclusion that he realizes how secure and assured God’s mighty hand is upon those who trust in Him and not themselves.

While the battle will wage on, when we keep our focus and our security IN the Lord and all He has done, we can march in a humble and yet victorious posture.

Paul reminds us in Romans 8:31-39 that the eternal love and victory of God, found only in the sacrifice of His son Jesus, transcends any possible ‘threat’ that could ever come against us.


Marching in His victory,





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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service