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In All Things… Work
Colossians 3 reminds us that the importance and value of our “work” far exceeds what we simply do for a living.
Paul uses inclusive language challenging the Colossians that in all things, word or action, and that whatever we do, to keep their focus and motivation in the Lord.
Not only that, but our works are to be offered up to Him and for His glory in praise and thanksgiving.
This means regardless of circumstances or even our own feelings towards whatever we’re doing or whomever we’re “working for”, we need to act in a way which reflects how we are ultimately working for the Lord.
Rest As Work
When we consider a biblical framework of work, perhaps there is no greater example than looking to the Creator of the universe, who is the worker ‘par excellence’.
Yet, it is easy when thinking about creation (work) to miss an essential element: rest. Too often we sacrifice Sabbath rest to gain an edge or make a little extra change at work.
However, much like how God rested on the seventh day, we are called to take time to break from work entirely. We then allow time and space for God to work in and through us as He is the great provider.
To ignore Sabbath rest in pursuit of a little more work denies us of valuable time that could otherwise be spent resting, trusting, and rejoicing in the works which the Lord has done.
Rejoicing and giving thanks in the works of Christ!




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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service