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I love a parade, don’t you?  I have great memories of watching many 4th of July parades when I was young.  Seeing the gleaming fire trucks pass by, listening to the band play as they marched with their cool uniforms and the inevitable row of antique tractors all gave me a thrill.  As one of five “candy-starved” siblings, I relished the thought of collecting the treats flung into the crowd of people as the parade passed.  Admittedly, the candy collection seemed to define the idea of greediness.

However, the best parade is yet to come!  II Cor. 2:14-17 tells of a glorious parade with Jesus in the lead.  It is a victor’s parade in every sense of the word.  That joyful procession will mark Christ’s return and his victory over sin.  At that time, as Isaiah 35 tells us, “the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.”  Can’t you just visualize how it will look?  Imagine a blind person seeing for the first time.  Perhaps you’ll witness your grandmother doing a cartwheel!

This celebration is reserved and guaranteed for all who are found in the Lord when he returns.  It’s hard for us to wait for such a glorious celebration, but wait we must.  We are not called to be idle in the meantime.  II Cor. 2:17 tells us that we have been “commissioned” by God to speak of Christ whenever and to whoever we can.  Just like being commissioned by an employer to do a certain job, God expects us to share the good news with others.

Do you feel like you’re sitting on the sidelines as the parade is passing you by?  Why not join me in taking a step of faith today to become a more “pleasing aroma” to God?  Pray more.  Study scripture more.  Give up a bad habit.  Reach out to the lost.  I can’t wait to see my brothers and sisters in Christ joining the parade behind our Savior, Jesus!  The best is yet to come!

In Christ,

Elder Peter Richardson


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Phone: (608) 365-6385

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