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It’s been some time since I have received so many questions, comments and observations on a weekly basis. This series on the End Times (eschatology) is piquing lots of people’s interest, and for that I am grateful. But again, let me encourage you to take that energy to your Bibles.

Read Revelation 20 for yourself; 1 Corinthians 15, Isaiah 24 and Romans 9-11. See for yourself what the text says and begin to develop your own understanding eschatology and sense for God’s role in Israel.

We will continue to supplement and add helpful books from reputable authors in the café for your reading. But let them supplement your Bible reading; don’t let them replace your Bible reading.

In future weeks, I will address the political role of Israel and how Christians should respond, the place of the Rapture, Daniel’s prophecies, etc. This coming Memorial Day I will highlight one or more key Church Fathers that held to Premillennialism and a place for Israel.

One asked me on Sunday for an OT prophecy that has not come to fruition and therefore could help us see the connection to the OT and the NT. This too will receive greater attention down the road, but let me tease you with one now.

Consider carefully Zechariah 14 and you will notice many things that have not taken place yet. Those who hold to Premillennialism envision these things happening in the 1,000 reign of Jesus, who, many see as the figure of verse 4, which corroborates with Acts 1:11.

Jesus will defeat His enemies returning to the Mount of Olives, which is where He will return according to Acts 1:11.

Others read Zechariah 14 and spiritualize it as a reference to an eternal, spiritual state. But the language of the entire chapter is earthly, and, very Jewish. Notice also that there is a distinction between the nation Israel and the nations of the earth. God has plans for both, and those who follow the Lord will be blessed by Him along with Israel. They will be together, but different.

I hope reading through Zechariah 14 offers you some stimulating reading, study, reflection and confidence in how God will use Israel in the end to fulfill His promise to Abraham to make him a blessing to all the nations (Genesis 12:3).

Dive in to your Bibles!

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim


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