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Thank you to all those who helped prepare, attend and then clean-up after our Annual Meeting this past Sunday. If you have not already, let me encourage you to get a copy of the reports that were prepared by key ministry leaders and read them over. They are all very encouraging.

In many ways we experienced a banner year in 2023 and we are all very excited to see how God is going to work through RVC for His glory in 2024!

I would like to draw your attention to two upcoming events in the life of RVC that exemplify the work God has called us to do.

First, on February 25th we will hold our 2nd Annual Evangelism meal.  The purpose of this meal is to gather and share our experiences sharing the Gospel this past year. 

Everyone is invited to attend whether you shared the Gospel or not. We would very much like many who did share the Gospel to attend the meal and reflect on your experiences this past year. Any observations and comments you can share would be great, such as:

What was it like to share the Gospel? Were you anxious?  Did God put words in your mouth in unexpected ways?  Was there any pushback, feedback or blessings from the one with whom you shared the Gospel? 

Please sign up on the Welcome Desk as we will be catering this meal for the time of sharing and celebration. Again, all are encouraged to attend. You will be encouraged, learn some ideas for how to share the Gospel yourself and perhaps be moved to tell someone you know the Good News!

Second, we will be holding a baptism during the service on March 10. We are very excited and want to extend an invitation to anyone else who has been considering baptism to join our baptismal candidate. If you are interested, or have questions, please reach out to me via email, at church, on our church phone or smoke signals, whatever works!

What times we are living in right now!  Let us therefore be ever vigilant to cling to the One who has redeemed us, and prepare our hearts, minds and lives to “wait eagerly” for His Coming!

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim


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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service