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These leftovers arrive a day late, but you all know why. Thank you for your prayers during my surgery and now in recovery. Please continue to pray for Ralph Bovee’s recovery as well. How special it was to have a “surgery buddy” as we prayed for each other and got to visit with each other, and leave together. Malinda has some pix on our RVC Facebook of RVC’s “double hernia”!

As Kathryn and I chatted with nurses and saw them all in action, I was reminded of the difference between Good Works and Good Deeds. On Sunday I tried to make a distinction Good Works and Good Acts or Deeds.

Ephesians 2:8-10 remind us that Good Works do not save, but, that we who believe in Jesus are designed for Good Works that GOD HAS PREPARED in advance for His followers to complete. It’s worth reading that passage carefully.

We know God is the author of salvation (Revelation 7:10), but I think we too easily assume that we create Good Works. Nope. God is the author of Good Works, too, because in the end a true “Good Work” will bring glory to God (Matthew 5:16).

We met a lovely Christian nurse who made it clear that God was her source of hope, purpose and meaning. As she proclaims Him as a nurse, she is giving glory to God and completing many Good Works. Her motivation is God’s glory, not hers, and, importantly, not others.

Other nurses who have no regard for God will care for others, and that is so noble. Praise God for the sun and rain that blesses all people, and for competent, caring nurses. But a rebel nurse, selfless as she may be cannot produce Good Work that glorify God. Only true followers of Christ whose heart motivation is to glorify can be vessels of “God’s Good Works.”

Are you zealous for God’s Good Works? Good, me too. Then let those around you know you are follower of Jesus; that you delight in bringing Him glory; and then tell them why you have joy, peace, purpose and insuppressible hope. Tell them what Jesus accomplished for you. Tell them. And invite them to church to hear the Good News, especially this Easter because Jesus is Worthy.

For God’s Glory!

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim


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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service