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Thanks to everyone who was involved with planning and executing our Great Commission Sunday this past Sunday.  Lots of planning, communication and leadership efforts were in play.  Special thanks to the tech team that somehow got all of those zoom and videos to come through so we could hear from our missionaries. 

I just want to take a moment to highlight a few matters for your knowledge and prayer. 

As some of our recent missionaries have retired and/or come off the field, God has provided us with a new cadre of younger missionaries. Praise the Lord for many answering His call. 

In particular, our newest missionaries are Brian and Susanna Dick who are serving in Spain with their children.  We have two other younger couples, one who you met livestream on Sunday, A and R, and then T and H through a video.

Both of these latter couples are serving in closed countries, which means it is illegal in those countries to share the Gospel.  We are therefore very careful about how we communicate about and with them so we do not compromise their security. 

You can visit our Missionary Bulletin Board that is now located near the doors going into the sanctuary to view all of their most recent newsletters. 

Special thanks to Chris Bestor for being such an able interim leader of the Missions Team this past year after Hannah stepped down to concentrate on many personal and professional matters…and now she’s getting married! Praise the Lord.

And special thanks to Jeremy Wagner for stepping in to lead the Missions Team. He has already distinguished himself as a great communicator, organizer and lover of all things Great Commission. Jeremy did a really nice job organizing and leading the missionary discussions on Sunday.

Finally, please be prayerfully considering serving on RVC’s short-term summer mission trip to Colorado this August to help the Hullahs during an intense and important week for their ministry. 

We handed out fliers in Sunday’s bulletin offering some early details of the trip. If you did not receive a flier, please let either Karen or Elizabeth know and they will be happy to get you a hard copy or send one electronically. 

As we prepare for the summer months, the arrival of Connor Bradbury to help during my sabbatical, please be in prayer about serving with our very important outreach to the area – the Rock County Fair.

Once again we will be renting a booth hoping to share the Gospel, pray and connect with people who need to know Jesus. Many thanks to Chris Bestor who is leading up this invaluable outreach, please see her with any questions you have. A sign up is already available on the Welcome Desk, so please select a time or two that would work for you and perhaps someone in your family. 

There is never a dull, or complacent moment when it comes to fulfilling the Great Commission. We are busy, to be sure. However, we are busy with a purpose….to Go…Make Disciples…Baptize…Teach…and Observe…all that Jesus has commanded us to do for His glory.

To God Alone Be the Glory!


Pastor Tim

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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service