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Good Day Rock Valley Chapel!

I have three things I’d like to address with you.

First, it was so hard being gone this past Sunday at such an important and celebratory time in the life of RVC. I missed it terribly, but we Elders felt it best for everyone, including myself. Thank you for understanding.

And thanks to Peter and the Elders for making some late week adjustments to accommodate my health. Peter was the perfect person to deliver that message given his long history at RVC and ability to review our history.

One point of clarification, Brett Hullah, who is one of our supported missionaries, came to Christ while Pastor Greg James was shepherding the church. He is the product of a church that has faithfully preached the Gospel and made disciples for over three decades.

Which leads me to my second point regarding the brief mention of the Elders’ idea to bring Connor Bradbury back over the summer to serve as a paid internship.

The local church simply must take the responsibility for raising up new believers AND the next generation of church leaders. Connor came to us several years ago seeking true knowledge of the Lord.

He was saved through RVC, baptized at RVC, served at RVC, and sent to seminary two summers ago pursuing the Lord’s call to formal training. As his training has progressed, the idea of serving as a pastor in a local church has become more of an option than it had been two years ago.

To that end, we Elders feel that we have an opportunity, if not an obligation of sorts, to help Connor along in his discernment process. So in two weeks, immediately after the Sunday service on June 5, we want to put that question to the congregation.

It’s an appropriate time to raise the question as it will be Great Commission Sunday and we’ll be hearing from our missionaries. As a reminder, we’ll hold a potluck after the meeting, so please bring a dish to pass that reflects your ethnic background and do email Chris at RVC to let her know what you will bring or sign up this coming Sunday.

Connor would serve at RVC over the summer for three months. He would preach, teach Adult Education, lead the Youth, participate in worship, Children’s Church, and everything else that a church does.

Please be in prayer about this important opportunity for RVC to invest in the future leadership of the local church.

Third, and finally, we want to announce that Karen Broekhuis will be assuming the responsibilities as Church Administrator. Emily Carroll has already begun working at Rock County Christian and Karen is ready for her own career change.

We are absolutely delighted to have Karen join the team. She will begin training on June 6 serving afternoons until her responsibilities at Rock County Christian are complete.

After that point, she will fill the 20 hours we have established for that position helping in the financial responsibilities, administrative responsibilities and taking over all worship organization responsibilities.

More information will follow about this important and exciting stage, but for now, we want to share with you this great news that Karen is ready to serve the Lord here at RVC in this critical position at such a key time. I hope to see lots of folks at our Great Commission potluck on June 5. So, give Grandma a call and dig out that ethnic recipe that has defined your family traditions so we can celebrate this wonderful Global God whose heart is for the lost in every nation, tongue, and tribe.

Because one day, every knee will bow down to Jesus!

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim

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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service