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Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School is held during the worship service. Before the Scripture reading, children ages 3 through 5th grade are dismissed to Sunday School. Children love to learn and they have ...

Children’s Sunday School is held during the worship service. Before the Scripture reading, children ages 3 through 5th grade are dismissed to Sunday School.
Children love to learn and they have so many questions. Our Children’s Sunday School classes are a perfect place for young hearts and minds to learn about who God is and how we can relate to Him. Our classes are designed to challenge children to really get to know God by studying the Bible. We use age-appropriate curriculum that supplements the study of the Bible.

We offer two levels of classes for our children; Age 3 – 1st Grade; 2nd – 5th Graders. We ask our teachers to accomplish two core goals at each level. First, help our children understand what a particular biblical verse or passage means. We want to instill in our kids a love for God’s Scripture for a lifetime of study, growth and guidance. Second, we want to demonstrate to our children that the Bible is relevant for us today, so we try to demonstrate meaningful applications so our children view the Bible as a resource for how to navigate life’s challenges.

Adult Education

Adult Ed. is held every Sunday at 9:00 AM (except holidays). The class is led by John McCully and they are currently working through the book of Proverbs.

Adult Education is held every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM (except holidays).  The Adult class is led by Elder John McCully and they are currently working through the book of Proverbs.

Men’s Ministries

Men’s Bible Study meets on the first Saturday of every month, unless otherwise noted, to study the word of God. The men are currently studying the book of Galatians. Breakfast is available from 7:30-8:00 AM, with Bible study from 8:00-9:00 AM.

Men’s Bible Study meets on the first Saturday of every month, unless otherwise noted, to study the word of God. Breakfast is available from 7:30 – 8:00 AM, with men volunteering to bring various breakfast foods to share.  Bible study is held from 8:00-9:00 AM, and they are currently studying the book of Galatians.

Contact Stan Corbett for more information, if you would like to be added to the men’s email list, or if you have any questions.


Rock Valley Chapel is committed to reaching out to a lost world with the life-giving truth of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. We are committed to sharing the Gospel...

Reaching Beloit and the Stateline Community

Beloit is our “Jerusalem” and the Stateline Area is our “Samaria”. We seek to be intentional about sharing the Gospel of Jesus in the city. In past years we have distributed tracts during Halloween, participated at the Stateline Business Expo and the Rock County 4-H Fair with the explicit goal of sharing the Gospel, provided VBS and AWANA programs for our church and area children, and sharing praise and worship music at the downtown Beloit Farmer’s Market, being available to share the Gospel with those attending.

Reaching our World

God allows us to have an unbelievable impact on lives through world missions! We are excited to partner with several missionary families around the world in places such as Wisconsin’s Prison System, University of Northern Colorado campus, Belgium, Israel, and the Beloit College campus where students from around the world come to study. God also provides us with opportunities to be personally involved.  In the past we have sent teams to such places as Estonia, Mexico, Lithuania, Brazil, France, and Israel.  In addition, many individuals have been involved in missions trips on their own or with another group and we have been able to help support them in these ministries.

Nursery & Toddlers

Because we recognize how valuable your children are, we do not just provide childcare. Our Nursery Ministry desires to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child where his or her...

Because we recognize how valuable your children are, we do not just provide childcare. Our Nursery Ministry desires to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child where his or her physical and emotional needs can be met while separated from you for a short time.

By doing so, we also hope to minister to you. While your child is being cared for, you can enjoy the fellowship of other adults, connecting with God, and developing your faith. We have separate rooms for Infants (birth – 18 months) and Toddlers (18 months – 3 years)


At Rock Valley Chapel, we aspire to create an atmosphere where people can connect with God and others through worship. We try to do this by giving space...

At Rock Valley Chapel, we aspire to create an atmosphere where people can connect with God and others through worship. We try to do this by giving space for sharing life with each other. Often times, that is reflected through laughter or maybe a much needed hug from a brother or sister. We believe that through our relationships with each other, that is an act of worship unto the Lord. That same attitude exists not only on the worship team but through every ministry in the church.

Our goal to lead worship with a posture of humility and a spirit of servanthood. When we gather together for Thursday night rehearsal and for Sunday morning worship, we want people to feel like their time and their gifts are valuable and that they can exercise their God given talents for his glory and for the benefit of the body of Christ.

If you are interested in helping with any aspect of our worship teams – whether singing, playing an instrument, or with the technology of the sound board or pro-presenter slide program – please contact the church office.

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups assist us in growing our relationship with Christ and with one another. Through discussion of weekly sermons and discipleship, they promote unity in our church. The Discipleship Groups meet in homes or at church on a weekly or monthly basis . . .

Discipleship Groups assist us in growing our relationship with Christ and with one another. Through discussion of weekly sermons and discipleship, they promote unity in our church. The Discipleship Groups meet in homes or at church on a weekly or monthly basis.

Call or email the church office at if you are interested in joining, or starting, a Discipleship Group.

God’s Works

Our God’s Works ministries exist to partner with local Christian organizations that seek to serve the community in various ways under the banner of Jesus Christ.

Our God’s Works ministries exist to partner with local Christian organizations that seek to serve the community in various ways under the banner of Jesus Christ. In serving the community out of Gospel-shaped ministries, they help advance the Gospel and the name of Jesus to the Stateline Area. We support the following organizations and encourage you to prayerfully consider doing it as well.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”


Youth Group

Our Youth Group is for grades 6 through 12. They currently meet twice a month on designated Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:30 PM for Youth Group Challenge Time. Rides can be provided...

Our Youth Group is for grades 6 through 12.  They currently meet twice a month on designated Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:30 PM for Youth Group Challenge Time.

Rides can be provided at any time with advance notice – please contact the Ministry leaders for Youth Group, Andrew and Courtney Williams.

Invite your friends to join us!

Upcoming Dates:

March 16;  March 30;  April 13;  April 27;  May 4;  May 28 – which is a Wednesday.  watch for more details to come for this group event with other Rock County churches!

Women's Ministries

Our Women’s Ministry reaches out to women of all ages at Rock Valley Chapel. The Bible studies dig deep into God’s Word with time for prayer and fellowship.

Our Women’s Ministry reaches out to women of all ages at Rock Valley Chapel.  The Bible studies dig deep into God’s Word with time for prayer and fellowship.

Women’s Bible study meets on Monday evenings, from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. Bring your Bibles and join us as we dig into God’s Word. Feel free to invite a friend to join us!

Prayer Ministry

At Rock Valley Chapel we have groups that meet to pray, focusing on listening to and praying for specific needs of our church and its members, community, state, country and world. Currently, we have groups that meet daily, Mondays - Thursdays.

At Rock Valley Chapel there are groups that meet daily to pray, focusing most of the time on listening to and praying for specific needs of our church and its members, community, state, country and world. And while prayer is the main focus, many participants find this to be an essential fellowship time as well.
All are welcome to join!

Monday Evening Prayer – Andrew Williams

Monday 6:00 PM- 6:30 PM

Women’s Prayer Ministry  –  Karen Nohr

Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM

Revival Prayer Ministry  –  Angie Hoekman

Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM

Men’s Prayer Ministry  –  Donnie Pohl

Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM

Midweek Prayer –  Chris Bestor

Wednesday at 8:00 AM

Thursday Morning Prayer

Thursday at 8:00 AM

Bible Reading Plan

Prayerfully consider spending time in the Word each day. One way to keep track is to follow a yearly Bible reading plan. The intent is to provide guidance on what to read each day...

Prayerfully consider spending time in the Word each day. One way to keep track is to follow a yearly Bible reading plan. We all have very busy lives between school, work, and sleep. There are many reading plans available to help you work through reading the Bible – and you don’t have to get it done in a year!  The intent is to provide guidance on reading through the Bible, and if you miss days, just pick up where you left off on the schedule and continue in the Word.

Stop in at the church office for a hard copy of a reading schedule, or click on this link for a Bible Reading Plan

Get In Touch With Us!

Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service