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What an amazing blessing to have Ephraim Goldstein in our presence this past weekend! The Seder meal he led was so powerful, instructive and meaningful; I know that many were blessed by the deep theological connections made between the first Passover Lamb and our Ultimate Passover Lamb, Jesus.

And oh that horseradish….Carolyn and I fulfilled Ephraim’s stated goal to eat enough to bring tears! What great memories seeing you all drinking cup after cup of grape juice, stealing matzo when you were hungry (I saw you!), and generally sharing a marvelous time of learning and true fellowship together.

Sunday’s message on Psalm 122 was also wonderful. We were reminded how incredibly important Jerusalem continues to be in God’s unfolding plan for Israel and the world. The words, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” has meaning for all of us!

For many years we have been praying that God would help us partner with Messianic Jews who are sharing the Gospel in Israel in order to honor God’s word, “to the Jew first, then the Greek”, and God answered our prayers bringing us the Goldsteins. We thank God we can join them in fulfilling the Great Commission.

The Missions Team had a nice time to meet with Ephraim over lunch on Sunday and we learned even more about how God is working through their ministry in Western Galilee to exalt the name of Jesus.

We also learned that the Goldsteins regularly host mission teams to come to their home and minister in their community in Israel. So, as the Lord leads, we will be prayerfully considering if and when God might move within our body to send a team to work with the Goldsteins in Israel.

Please pray for Ephraim as he continues to travel in the U.S. and minister with other churches in Texas and for Jeannie who is in Boston with family.

Shalom in Christ!

Pastor Tim

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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

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