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Thank you to all those members and regular attenders who were able to stick around after the church service on Sunday and participate in our brief Annual Meeting. Your flexibility, patience and active participation mean a great deal to the Elders. Allow me to review a few of the highlights of 2018 and into 2019.

With our Chairman Peter Richardson still recuperating at home, and on short notice from a decision made the night before to move the meeting up, our Vice-Chairman John McCully did a great job leading us. And Andy Carroll fielded good questions ably reflecting both the Finance Team and Elder Board’s positions on various elements of the 2018 and 2019 budget.

We thanked Jeff Williams for his six years of service on the Elder Board and Karen Broekhuis for serving as our Finance Secretary for five years. Both did such wonderful ministry for RVC.  We voted in Carol Snow as our new Treasurer and Cassie Corbett as our new Financial Secretary. We are grateful to both for their willingness to step into two very important positions.

We welcomed three new members to the church; Gladys Tirado, John Mohorko and Emily Carroll.

We welcomed Kevin Shedd as our part-time leader of Youth and YAG; both of which have had strong Fall ministry experiences. 

Emily Carroll, who has a degree in Business Administration, is serving as our interim Office Administrator with Tess’s departure and is off to a great start.

We had another wonderful year of spiritual health at Rock Valley Chapel. Scores of people heard the Gospel from someone sharing it with them one-on-one, ministries were added and re-tooled such as AWANA and Women’s, more missions team activities happened such as prison visits and groundbreaking ministry with Brett and Darci Hullah at the University of Northern Colorado.

We are excited to be planning an overseas short-term mission’s trip with ten people to France to work with Bob and Veronique Clifford this coming July 2019. We added some new dimensions to our Worship including Zach Obershaw doing some percussion and Emily joining the team with singing. Ryan is working on improving our sound with the temporary sound boards. They will be mounted at some point when we get some engineering feedback.

Our attendance was up last year by 5% and giving was once again strong. RVC’s generosity extended into our God’s Works partners like Rock County Christian Schools, Women’s Willow Center, Samaritan’s Purse, etc. In total, RVC invested nearly $9,000 in those groups that serve the needs of many and who share our love for Jesus and the Gospel.

Let me tell you it is so exciting to see our church growing vertically.  Vertical growth depends on each of us submitting to the Gospel in our own lives and then proclaiming it to others.

Preach the Gospel to yourself every day. Every day. And pray for opportunities to then tell others about the truth of the Gospel every day.  Every day.

When we grow to the degree that we truly desire to tell others about Jesus, the Church grows. Rock Valley Chapel grows. And God gets the glory.

Loving His appearing with you,

Pastor Tim


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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service