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The feedback on this past Sunday’s sermon on Premillennialism has been very encouraging to say the least. Most comments reflect gratitude on just talking about the topic and its importance for the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), our church and people’s Christian walk.

I’ve got to say it again, Dr. Kaiser’s point that the EFCA has hurt itself by not
preaching on this doctrine more regularly is spot on. Perhaps one of the great
benefits of this entire EFCA discussion is that many, hopefully, will be
inspired to introduce, re-introduce or remind themselves and their churches
about the value, place and strength of the Premillennial view.

What is at stake is how one interprets the Bible. It is sometimes difficult to determine when something in the text is supposed to be understood symbolically and when it’s to be interpreted literally. I’ll readily admit I do not have a monopoly on how to know how to make those distinctions regularly.

But as I read Revelation 20, I cannot help but see a literal 1,000 days in the same way that I see six days as the exact number of days God created.

At the same time, please remember that we are saved by faith alone. Faith alone. Many authentic, Bible-believing Christians do not hold to Premillennialism and are our brothers and sisters who will dwell with us in heaven forever.

But since the EFCA has long held that Premillennialism is one that has united us and made us distinct from other denominations. Now they want change that commitment and we have to determine how that impacts our relationship with the EFCA. I cannot think of a better way to sort this out than to study the word of God together.

Paul considered the Berean church “noble” because they examined the Scriptures daily to “see if these things were so.” I look forward to examining God’s word with you together every day so that we can trust what God has to say to and for us and live in harmony with His word.

Digging in God’s word with you,

Pastor Tim



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Phone: (608) 365-6385

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