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It’s hard to believe how many people have indicated they are learning so much during this series on Premillennialism. I am delighted that so many, whether they agree, disagree or are curious, are digging into their Bibles. What more could a pastor want than when his sheep are drinking deeply from God’s word!

We are to study God’s word and then allow it to mold us. Too often we come to the text with some preconceived ideas that may have been taught us in Sunday School, Bible School, a friend, parent, etc., and then we impose that onto the text.

It’s hard, if not impossible, to completely detach ourselves from the influences of our lives and truly read the Bible with genuine objectivity. Same with me.

But we do our best to dig in, try to set aside peripheral influences, even good ones, and allow ourselves to see the text for what it is. I hope you are all examining these texts on your own, comparing what I have taught with what you have been taught, what you think, what others in Christ think, and then pray.

We are in the process of putting together resources at our website that will help you even further, and we’ll alert you when they are ready. I have also ordered some books and material that I think will be very helpful that we’ll put in the café.

This coming week we’ll examine a text in Isaiah and see how the OT points to what I perceive to be an early Premillennial sequence.

It’s important to distinguish Premillennial word (before 1,000 years) and the Premillennial sequence because some see the 1,000 years as symbolic, but still hold to a Premillennial sequence. Incidentally, I hold to a literal 1,000 years.

But the sequence is Christ returns to earth and inaugurates a 1,000 year reign (or, for some, a really long time) where the saints reign with Him. Then after the 1,000 years (or, really long time), Satan is released “for a little while” and is then defeated once and for all. This THEN ushers in the eternal state.

Those who hold to Amillennialism do not share the view of that sequence. Not only do they see the 1,000 years as symbolic, they believe that when Christ returns, it will be just to usher in the eternal state; there will be no earthly reign with the saints according to their model.

Post-millennialists also do not hold to that sequence. They believe that Jesus only returns once, after a long time (symbolic of 1,000 years) reign of peace and harmony on earth where Jesus does not reign physically.

Jesus must reign on earth in order to fulfill some prophecies that are now unfulfilled. That seems problematic to many because God always fulfills His word. We’ll keep digging, talking and praying. And let’s keep our spirits humble as we examine these texts and seek to know God’s heart and intentions for us.

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim


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