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Thank you to all who were able to help and participate in our Annual Business Meeting. We had a great time of discussion, food, good questions, fellowship and worship as we celebrated what God did through RVC in 2019 and then looked to this coming 2020. If you were unable to attend and would like to see the reports, please contact Emily.

The best part of our meeting was the genuine sense of unity within our body. We don’t have to agree on everything to be united around the Gospel and our call to fulfill the Great Commission. By contrast, many past Annual Meetings made me long for the Rapture…speaking of which (I know, really bad segue).

Sunday’s message on the Rapture connected with many and I am thankful for the positive feedback. It is a challenging topic, but I think it merits our attention. Some say that the Rapture is the next event on the prophecy clock. That make sense. But while we wait anxiously for our Savior to return, we have work to do.

One saint brought me an article of a massive influx of locusts occurring currently in Kenya where the vast numbers of locusts can consume food for 35,000 people per day. That is enormous and does remind us that while we do not know when Jesus will return, He did say there would be indications of His return.

And there are efforts at peace in Israel, wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters galore, the new virus spreading out from China, etc. But one way we can diminish the biblical approach to the Rapture is to go around telling people the world is coming to an end or start to follow people who claim they know the time when Jesus will return. Neither of those assertions is taught in the Bible.

Instead, we are taught to be ready, which means we are working to advance Jesus’ kingdom for everyone’s sake. So many do not know Jesus! So, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, remain steadfastly committed to the Bible and take every opportunity to tell others that through faith in Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we stand holy and righteous before God; ready to be taken home with our hero Jesus when He does return. Invite someone to a Sunday service, Bible Study or any other gathering at RVC. You know that all of them will include the Gospel.

Getting ready with you, by working to fulfill the Great Commission, we are, by God’s grace alone….

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim


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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service