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First of all, I need to make a correction from Sunday’s sermon. I alluded to an older, famous man who was recently charged with something dishonorable and I mentioned he is married. In fact, he has had a long-time girlfriend after his wife’s death several years ago. I thought he had remarried so I erred.

Next, the tally is in so please join me in celebrating that 32 people heard the Gospel at Ro-Ro! Praise the Lord. And again, some of those who shared the Gospel were attending Ro-Ro for the first time.

I have had the chance to talk to people who were at Ro-Ro and how the experience impacted their lives. All said it was a terrific experience and some are even counting the days until we return next year. I think it’s about 355 days…

Let me once again encourage you to read over Titus carefully and find your own demographic in there. Paul has the whole church in mind, and we can all learn so much from his prescription for a rightly ordered and healthy church.

The main idea is that lives that are sanctified, set apart for God’s purposes, are far better prepared to model and articulate the Gospel in authentic, believable ways that draw people to Christ.

We are to renounce the worldliness, wait actively for Jesus’ return and zealously desire opportunities to fulfill God’s Good Works in order to advance the Gospel and in so doing glorify Him alone.

It’s a journey to be sure, but one that has ended at the cross for those who have trusted Him. Now we are sojourners in a foreign land looking to spread the Good News as redeemed sinners seeking sanctification so that others might hear.

Seeking Sanctification and Satisfaction in Christ With You!

Pastor Tim


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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service