Our Staff & Elders
He grew up in the Midwest living in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. Prior to serving Rock Valley Chapel he worked in a variety of jobs including as an officer in the U.S. Army, on staff for two agricultural associations, a local elected official, an executive pastor and a professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at a seminary. He served the U.S. Army in Operations Desert Shield and Storm. He enjoys reading, competitive golf, hiking and traveling. His life passage is Proverbs 3:5-8.
Kathryn works full-time at Beloit College, sings in the campus choir, is fluent in French, conversant in Spanish, has a heart for international missions, enjoys praising the Lord through song on the worship team, loves serving meals to those in need and has recently co-led the Women’s Bible Study.
They enjoy traveling to Milwaukee, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa (basically the Midwest!) to visit their children, grandchildren, and extended family.
The Elders at Rock Valley Chapel supervise the spiritual and organizational welfare of the Church and meet regularly for prayer, consultation and oversight of the Church’s ministries. In accordance with the By-Laws of Rock Valley Chapel, these Elders are publicly recognized as desiring to serve as Elders. They are men from the Church who meet the standards of the New Testament as stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. They have each been members of the church for at least two years and are deemed active participants in the life of the church.
Living stones are men who have served on the Elder board in the past.
Jeff is married to Donette, and they love to travel around the country. They have lived in Beloit for over 35 years.
God has blessed them with a daughter, Bryanna, and son-in-law, Tyler Shear, and they have one grandchild.
Jeff was a member of Steamfitters and Pipefitters Local 601 for 31 years. He is now doing Operator Qualifications (OQ) work, training construction workers in the Natural Gas Industry.