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In preparing this week for the sermon, I was reminded how much God has already done in my life. How He has taken me from someone who never really knew contentment and peace, to someone who lives each day with true peace and contentment because my focus is on Jesus, not myself.

Read Romans 8:29-30. This assures us that God has always known us, the good and the bad, even on our worst days—He knew and worked it for good. God choose us for salvation before the foundation of the Earth. He predestined us to be His children not because of who we are, or what we do, but because of who He is, and out of His great love. Faith in Jesus and what He did for us out of His grace justifies us before a Holy God. We know that we will be glorified. God is faithful to finish the good work in us and we will spend eternity with them.

Read Phil 1:6. Brothers and sisters in Christ, I urge you to spend time in God’s Word and pray for God’s leading in your life. What He has for you is greater than you know. I can testify that in my life, God, our Father, has shown me a path to walk on that I never could have walked before Christ was in my heart. God is faithful. Trust in Him and Him alone.

Your Brother In Christ,

Donnie Pohl


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Address: 2780 Shopiere Road, Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 365-6385

9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Fellowship Time
10:30 AM Worship Service