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I hope that our church family was able to learn and grow a great deal during this recent series in the book of Zechariah. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of Zechariah 9-14 as helpful for understanding the End Times.

In particular, chapter 14 reveals a great deal of interesting and thought-provoking ideas; one of which is the practice of annually celebrating the Feast of Booths. The Feast of Booths is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles.

One saint asked me after church if redeemed Christians will be participating in that annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Good question, but I’d say yes, we will. And here’s why.

Isn’t it strange that Zechariah 14:16 ff points to the Feast of Booths as something to be practiced in the Millennium? Why that Feast, or any Feast for that matter? One possibility is that during the Feast of Booths the Law was read to the people as seen in Deuteronomy 31: 9-13.

Thus, there would be an annual reading of God’s Word to instruct and guide all the people, not just Israel, but all the nations. I take that to mean those who accompany Jesus into His reign as well, i.e., the Saints.

Whenever there is a revival or transition in God’s unfolding plan, reading His word is central. Moses reads God’s word before the Israelites advance into the Promised Land. Josiah has God’s word read at his reformation. Ezra reads God’s word to the people after they returned from their Captivity.

It is not unreasonable to see the ongoing value of reading God’s word even as Jesus is king, reigning over the world.

On a second note, I want to update you on the brief process that came together to hire Addison Davila short-term. Addison and his wife Hannah are scheduled to serve a church in England as Worship leaders this coming September.

In the meantime, Addison has been working at Frito-Lay. We Elders thought it made sense for Addison and Hannah to serve us as we have needs in both Music and Youth ministries. When we approached them about the idea, they agreed that was a much better use of their time and talents.

We will therefore be blessed to have Addison and Hannah serving with us until they leave for England. We will continue to put together worship teams, etc., but Addison will be our primary worship leader beginning July 18.

He will begin leading the Youth on July 7, and both he and Hannah will join the Life Fest team in order to serve and get to know the Youth.

Please join us in welcoming the Davilas for this short-term ministry and praying both for their ministry with us and their preparation for England.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Rescued by Christ,

Pastor Tim

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Phone: (608) 365-6385

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10:00 AM Fellowship Time
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